Superhot is an independent first-person shooter video game developed and published by Superhot Team. Superhot sets the player in a minimalistic environment, taking out hostile attackers that are trying to kill them. Weapons picked up by the player have limited ammunition, requiring the player to rely on defeating enemie... Read More.
The Halloween spirit is missing! Play as Scary and help him save HallowTown. "Death or Treat" is a 2D action-roguelite and hack & slash, with handpainted environments and traditional animation. Explore all the worlds and defeat hordes of enemies using different weapons and skills.Death or Treat for PC GameplayGamers often comes with a question about a game that...
Liftoff is the gateway to the quadcopter racing scene, a platform both for pilots with real-life experience and for gamers who are still unfamiliar with the new sport. Veterans can explore new environments or race one another, while newcomers can hone their flying skills before taking to the field.DRONE LOVE FOR EVERYONE: We want to open up the FPV racing experienc...
O.R.B: Off-World Resource Base (or simply O·R·B) is a space strategy game developed and published by Strategy First.As with most strategy games, the object of O·R·B is to defeat the enemy forces by gathering resources to build an attack fleet. As the name of the game implies, this is done by locating resource-bearing asteroids which must be mined to finance con...
The rich fled to Mars but venture back to a desolate Earth for a round of golf. Each hole in the wasteland offers its own little story and possible puzzle to sink the perfect shot. Play through destroyed brutalist monuments, crumbling shopping malls, and abandoned museums as neon signs and poignant graffiti take swings at current events, Silicon Valley culture and...
Atomicrops: Feline Good for PC GameplayGamers often comes with a question about a game that how to play any game. So below is a video tutorial about Atomicrops: Feline Good which will help you to understand that how to play this game and how the game will look like? when you will play this game in your PC.Atomicrops: Feline Good for PC IntroductionLots to get excit...